1 Social climate is universally favourable to families; barriers and social pressures have been minimised. Family, parenthood and marriage are covered by special legal protection and are highly valued in society.
ČR 2030 - List of Indicators

1. People and society
1.1 Suitable social-economic conditions are important for the good functioning of families. They focus on the financial wellbeing of families, good work-life balance and services of care for children and the elderly. Therefore, these conditions allow people sufficient leisure time to improve their family relationships.
2 Technological and social development extend the approach to dignified work.
2.1 The labour market shows lower structural imbalances at national and regional levels; the polarisation of the labour market and its social impacts are mitigated.
2.2 Access to dignified work is also extended to groups that remain disadvantaged on the labour market, i.e. parents on parental leave, people with disabilities and people over 50 years of age.
2.3 The general unemployment rate decreases along with the proportion of long-term unemployed in the total unemployment rate.
2.4 The degree of precarisation and involuntary flexibility of work is minimised, including activities carried out through the platform economy and other new atypical forms of work.
2.5 Immigration and integration policies emphasise the attraction of qualified foreigners and intensify the diversity of the workforce which is vital for innovation. Public policies also support the return of Czech citizens from abroad.
3 Structural inequalities in society are low.
3.1 In the long-term perspective, the proportion of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion is decreasing.
3.2 Income inequality is decreasing and emphasis is placed on maintaining a strong middle layer.
3.3 Gender inequality is decreasing.
3.4 Equal approach to persons at risk of discrimination based on sex, age, dependency, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or worldview is ensured. Multiple discrimination prevention is particularly emphasised.
4 Education develops individuals' unique potential and ability to manage and influence change, and promotes a cohesive, sustainable society oriented towards sustainable development.
4.1 The education system is inclusive and mutually permeable; it does not divide pupils at a young age into gifted and not gifted and limits the dependence of educational paths and results on students' socio-economic background.
4.2 The education system encourages teachers and other educators to bring about the necessary changes in education and to assume the role of guides for education participants in a changing world. The system is very open to contact with the real world and involves all participants in education.
4.3 Education provides everyone with access to the development of transferable competencies needed for active civic, professional and personal life. The system provides an adequate general foundation necessary for further education, engagement in society, and for understanding the interdependence of the contemporary world.
4.4 The system of life-long education is publicly guaranteed and widely available. It focuses on both vocational education and training in transferable skills.
5 The health of all population groups is improving.
5.1 The lifespan and health of all Czech population groups is improving.
5.2 Influences causing inequalities in the field of healthcare are decreasing.
5.3 The public health system is stable, generally available in terms of both quality and capacity, while developing a corresponding professional structure. The average age of both medical and non-medical personnel is decreasing and the rewards for all healthcare workers are improving.
5.4 A healthy lifestyle is supported by higher public expenditure, with an emphasis on primary disease prevention and health promotion throughout life.
5.5 Consumption of addictive substances as well as the load of hazardous harmful substances and noise are reduced by improving the quality of the environment. Specified limits of harmful substances and noise are not exceeded.
6 Greater public investment supports key cultural functions and equal access to culture and creativity.
6.1 Increased public spending is directed towards culture, and the possibilities for long-term financial planning of cultural organisations are improved.
6.2 Depending on the needs of the changing society, the development and establishment of new cultural organisations is systematically supported.
6.3 Cultural and creative industries are being promoted as an opportunity for economic development.
6.4 Culture workers are supported both systematically and financially to increase their significance and improve the conditions needed for their creative and motivational role towards other groups in society.
Quality of life